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L'entraînement de l'esprit
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Pratique de l'oraison

C'est un livre que j'ai écrit en 2015, à l'époque où je m'appelais Daniel Christophe (je change régulièrement de nom...). Je l'ai repris récemment pour ajouter 2 chapitres et corriger le reste. Il s'agit donc de la 2è édition.




Table des matières

Chapitre 1 : Concevoir Dieu
Toutes nos conceptions sur Dieu sont fausses
Voie de l'amour ou de la connaissance
Le commençant conçoit Dieu en fonction de ses structures psychologiques
Nous avons peur d'être jugés parce que nous savons ce que nous sommes

Chapitre 2 : Dieu, les anges et les hommes
Univers émané, univers créé.
Ce que nous ne pouvons pas attendre de Dieu...
Nécessité de la réincarnation
Les épreuves ne dépendent que de leurs propres causes.
Les saints sont le bras de Dieu
La vocation
Mécanisme de la prière

Chapitre 3 : Sensible, imaginal, intelligible
Les trois niveaux
Le monde imaginal
Les saints ne voient pas le même monde que nous
Nos problèmes avec les objets de la foi viennent de ce que nous y mêlons de sensible

Chapitre 4 Le péché originel : de l'usage perverti du mental
Nature du péché originel
Notre triste condition
Quand il pleut les rues sont mouillées
Les petits enfants ne savent pas ce qu'ils disent
L'exemple de la liberté
Il est très difficile de voir notre situation véritable
De la juste utilisation du mental
Comparer nos idées et nos observations

Chapitre 5 : Le désir de Dieu
Nous désirons Dieu comme un objet
Le Christ est venu pour les pauvres et les pécheurs
Dieu ne peut nous aider tant que nous sommes égoïstes
Nous n'avons pas de récipients pour recevoir la lumière divine.
Contempler les Attributs divins nous transforme

Chapitre 6 : Le corps subtil / l'âme
L'âme (corps subtil)
Constitution du corps subtil
Rigidité de nos canaux
L'espace du coeur est le lieu de Dieu
Trouver son esprit.
La lumière de l'Essence divine
Qu'est-ce que le corps de gloire ?
Pourquoi beaucoup d'expériences spirituelles ne nous transforment pas
Faire fondre les gouttes
Claire lumière de la mort

Chapitre 7 : Commencer à prier
La pensée magique ne fonctionne pas
Pourquoi nous ne pouvons pas prier Dieu le père
L'amour personnel
Nature de l'hypostase
L'obstacle du doute
Comment procéder concrètement
Méditation et concentration
La musique
La liturgies, les rituels
Comment lier l'image et la sensation : le cas du désir sexuel

Chapitre 8 : Sortir de soi-même
Le paradoxe du moi
Génération des lumières intelligibles
Recevoir les transmissions des saints pour concevoir des qualités divines
Comparaison et identification
Le mécanisme de l'identification
Faire son oraison dans la peau d'un saint
Percer les centres subtils
Le danger des canaux abîmés
Pourquoi les traditions condamnent l'usage des drogues

Chapitre 9 : Apprenez à pleurer
Transe et extase
Des deux sortes d'attributs divins : noms de Beauté, noms de Majesté
La nuit obscure
Vertu des larmes
Apprendre à pleurer

Chapitre 10 : Les obstacles sont le chemin : prendre sa croix
Comment les choses fonctionnent-elles ?
Un exemple
Utiliser nos émotions négatives
Offrir chacune de nos souffrances pour le monde
Cultiver le manque
Le concept d'écran

Chapitre 11 : La prière pour autrui
Notre pire ennemi : l'acédie
Notre vie est devenue trop confortable
L'ascèse n'est pas la solution
Prier pour les autres
Nature des anges
Prier pour chaque personne que nous avons connue
Il n'y a pas de séparation entre moi et les autres
Se repentir de chaque perception contaminée.
L'oraison universelle

Chapitre 12 : Progression et purifications
Au sujet de la progression
L'homme à l'image de Dieu
Les purification passives
Que faire des pensées ?

Chapitre 13 : De la méditation à la contemplation
Le moi et la Personne
Se défaire du moi
Constitution d'un nouveau corps
Et la sensation ?
Pour finir...

Annexe : La méthode du roman
Il peut être difficile de s'identifier aux saints.
Inventer des êtres intermédiaires.
Le roman nous fait expérimenter d'autres moi que le nôtre
Transmuter notre part d'ombre
Les archétypes

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L'entraînement de l'esprit
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Enseignements de Rudi

We have the capacity in our minds to create that which we are most afraid of; in the same way that we bury some ignorance like a grain of sand inside the shell of an oyster and build around it until we come up with the end product, which in this case is not a pearl.

It is finally this consciousness that allows a human being to feel God as the constant energy that is absorbed by all of the chakras, filling him with sweetness and joy. Not feeling happy is only the result of not being in tune with this force and not having the consciousness to contain it. For whatever reason we fail in holding onto energy, we must look to ourselves. We cannot blame anybody or anything. It is only our lack of capacity to hold that which is given.


In all teachings, the temptations that appear during the revelation period are those things we identify with, that take away the energy or content from the experience. It is the courage to put the bottom on the void, so that the incoming energy is not lost during any experience, that is required. This enables a person to grow endlessly, by surrendering content as fast as it manifests itself.

It is a remarkable event when somebody presents a situation that exposes their real need. It is rare when even half the truth is given. Usually a situation is distorted beyond recognition. It is as if somebody is saying to me that if I can dig out the real situation, maybe they will allow me to help them. When a situation occasionally is presented in all its nakedness, it is only because the person is defenseless at a particular moment. As soon as they have one stitch to put on their back, they again retreat into themselves, distorting what they said and what they think you said. The ability to hear and see is rare in this world. It only exists in somebody who truly wishes to grow. This has not, unfortunately, been the attitude of most seekers. So few succeed in reaching their goal that it is safe to assume that there are few who honestly pursue a spiritual life, and even then, very few teachers who cater to anything that brings the realism that allows for enlightenment.


Spirituality is not about being where you think you should be. It is not about being where you want to be. Spirituality is about being on the highest point of an ascending energy that keeps growing and growing.
As this energy grows, it completely destroys every level of truth as you live it. This does not mean the truth that has been destroyed was not real. It was real for the level on which you existed before. With students, I am not interested in how long they are with me; I am just interested in one thing: whether or not they are strong enough to break up the horizontal level and continue growing. For myself, I do not want to limit myself by what I was. I do not think, "I did all this work to get to here." That is baloney. That is making a drama of your life and trying to build an image for yourself. The point is to keep growing. It is to have the courage to keep growing, even if it pulls apart the structure of your life. Then it is freeing you. There is nothing wrong with pulling apart the structure. What is wrong is to build yourself into a coffin and then stay there and try to justify it. Either you are working to live on a higher level all the time and to have a rebirth all the time, or you are trying to find justification for staying the way you are.
The whole point of what we do is to destroy matter, which is this horizontal plane we sit on: the earth. It is to translate this physical and material matter into spiritual force. This is our work.

You sit down. Inside you, what is going on? You want to be right. "I'm a nice guy, how could this person do this to do me? How could someone take advantage of me in the business world," or "How can somebody not love me? Don't they understand what I did?" Inside you, these muscles close up; they are protecting you. They are protecting your ego, protecting the image you have of yourself. You sit down to take your breath, and you find that something has robbed you of your heart. What robbed you of your heart ? The need to be right. These muscles do not want to open. They would rather you were safe and secure behind the wall than outside the wall.
Surrendering is opening all the muscles. This is the real test of your surrender in a situation. Can you breathe ? Does the throat open to receive the energy ? Are you free to receive this energy and open and see what your condition really is ? If you find out you are constricted in your heart, you have a pain in your back, or you can't get the air down, what does it mean? It means you are closed. What closed you? It does not matter what closed you, you do not have to find the rational reason, you just have to open. You sit and work, and you breathe. I do not have that problem anymore, but I used to sit and take that breath six hundred times in one day, sometimes, to begin to feel a little crevice start to open. If you are closed, you are dead. You can't be right if you are closed. Can a closed person know what he or she did or did not do ? So, if you find that you are closed, you have to drop the whole issue of whether the other person is or is not right.

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